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Article: Why Self-Love is More Important Than Ever


Why Self-Love is More Important Than Ever

We all know that love flourishes when we give it to other people - but what about the kind of love that comes from within? When you truly love yourself – well, that kind of love can move mountains. It’s this very notion that inspired The Vow by Lumira x Nicole Trunfio and why it is so much more than just a fragrance. Born from the mutual belief that self-love brings positivity to your life and those around you, The Vow by Lumira x Nicole Trunfio aims to evoke feelings of strength, love, contemplation and reflection for those who purchase it.

“Self-love harbours lifetimes of happiness and prosperity, inspiring growth and positive change for the world around you and the generations after you,” said Trunfio.

“The scent was developed with mothers in mind,” adds Almira Armstrong, Founder of Lumira. “To celebrate the intrinsic and unconditional love they have for themselves and for others – but more importantly, as a reminder to find a moment of still for themselves”.

As mothers themselves, Armstrong and Trunfio know the importance of self-love more than ever. With several small humans between them watching their every move, self-love isn’t just a buzzword in their households - it’s a way of life.

So, with Mother’s Day just around the corner, we sat down with five mums (Almira and Nicole included) to find out what self-love means to them and what they hope to teach their children about it.


How do you find time for yourself as a mum?

Just before I pick up the kids from school, I sneak in a quick session at the gym.  I think as mothers we feel we need to do it all and we often forget about taking care of ourselves. 

What do you want to teach your children about self-love?

I want to teach them to always have a positive sense of self, no matter what difficulty they come across. I want them to use their self-esteem to develop into happy, kind and compassionate kids and adults.

What does self-love mean to you and why is it important?

When you appreciate yourself, it helps you appreciate your life. Holding myself in high esteem allows me to fulfil my purpose in life - I tend to have more enjoyment and a more positive attitude toward work, family, friends and whatever may come my way.

How will you spend Mother's Day?

We will most likely go out for breakfast at our favourite restaurant Fratelli Paradiso in Potts Point.


How do you find time for yourself as a mum?

I have just managed to get my son on a solid schedule as he has started to attend Montessori school, and (thank the heavens) Gia is on his same sleep schedule, so by 8pm the night belongs to me. This is the time where I get to indulge in my personal projects, finish off working on upcoming events for ERTH jewelry and my other businesses and find inspiration to drive me through the next day. If I am lucky, I even get a bath and steam shower, but I am a creative, so filling my mind with the arts is better self care for me than a beauty indulgence. As long as I have my LUMIRA "the vow" candle burning beside me, and a touch of fragrance oil on my neck and wrists, I am in bliss. 

What do you want to teach your children about self-love?

I want to teach them that self love is imperative for the survival of the human race and the planet. I want them to know that it is more important than what they learn at school, and it is the foundation for how the rest of their lives will play out. I want them to know it is 'healthy' just like the food they eat, and the excursive they do to maintain a beautiful energy flow through their bodies and their environment. 

What does self-love mean to you and why is it important? 

I think it gets overlooked or confused with narcissism. Self love creates a healthy relationship with your 'self', your deep inner self, only then can you go out into the world and create healthy loving relationships with your family, friends, colleagues, This makes such an impact on the world and the overall emotional health of the people. One person, can affect every human, we are that powerful, something so simple as self love can influence the world to be a better place, one person at a time. 

How will you spend Mother's Day?

Observing my greatest gifts, my husband and my children. Staring deep into their eyes and being present there. Something we can easily forget to do on a day to day basis with our busy lives. I am so so amazed at how much purpose and how deeply fulfilled I am now that I have these amazing souls to call 'family'. Before I met my husband I spent a year where I decided not to be in a romantic relationship with anyone, not to let anyone into my 'field' so I could harbor and nurture my own self love. They say the way you feel about yourself at the time, attracts that type of person, I was experiencing a very high and clear vibration when I met my husband, I am thankful to myself that I "vowed" to bring self love into my life the year before I met him, I feel I would not have the bliss I have now, had I not taken that important time.


How do you find time for yourself as a mum?

This is something I struggle with, both because it’s hard to find the time between juggling my business and my family but also because I genuinely love being around Sunny. It’s a catch 22! I do sneak out of the house at 5.45am a couple of mornings a week for F45 sessions though. Working out restores my energy and makes me feel strong – both essential for being the best mum I can be.

What do you want to teach your child about self-love?

That she is worthy, unique and important. 

What does self-love mean to you and why is it important?

I’ve never been one to care too much what others think of me and I am fiercely proud of who I am. I didn’t ever identify that as being ‘self-love’ but as I got older and experienced several friends battling with self-acceptance, I realised how much of a positive impact it has had on my life. Once you let go of what you are not and celebrate what you are, life is a much brighter place. Self-love means believing in yourself, trusting yourself and choosing where best to spend your energy.

How will you spend Mother's Day?

I’m hoping that my Mother’s Day pressie will include at least an hour at Comma Spa and a Sleepwear Set from Deiji Studios but that Mother’s Day itself will be spent swimming, picnicking and playing for hours on end with my beautiful family.


How do you find time for yourself as a mum?

At the moment I don’t, because I have 2 under 2 who need me constantly! But funnily enough, my favourite time is when one of them is nestled under my arm asleep and I get to be on my phone uninterrupted for a whole half an hour! 

What do you want to teach your children about self-love?

That every single one of us deserves love! That everyone comes in different shapes and sizes and that’s what makes us individuals. Be confident within yourself and your decisions and ultimately being a good person is the most beautiful way to live! 

What does self-love mean to you and why is it important?

Self love means believing in yourself. Trusting yourself! And being kind to yourself! But in order to love yourself you must also let others love you! 

How will you spend Mother's Day?

With my beautiful family. It will be another chaotic day of toddler/newborn craziness but I wouldn’t have it any other way! 


How do you find time for yourself as a mum?

Even though it’s sporadically, I take it when I can get it.  I think it’s so important to have your own outlets and retain the things you loved to do before you became a mum. I never changed who I was or gave up on the things that made me, me. Photography and creating make me happy. 

What do you want to teach your children about self-love?

I am always telling them not to worry what anyone else is doing and to just be you. Not to look around and check what’s going on before you wear what you wear or make any decision. Trust yourself. I want them to find where they feel happy and own that. We always talk about our team and that they have so much love and support around them that I hope this is the comfort they feel behind them.  

What does self-love mean to you and why is it important?

It’s such a special thing to be completely confident and happy with what you see in the mirror or the choices that you make. You have to recognise the things you don’t like and change them - but for you, not in comparison to anything else. I think self love comes with an environment as much as it does physically. Surround yourself with people that allow your happy, follow social media accounts that inspire you and make you want to do more. My team think I am a rockstar so that’s a pretty big compliment to ignore! 

How will you spend Mother's Day?

We are lucky that we have a lot of love around us so my husband and I make time to see both of our mums, even if I get my mum time in the car getting somewhere but I’ll take that. I get spoilt and have plenty of love every day. 
