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Supplier Code of Conduct


Lumira Co Pty Ltd is committed to transparency, fairness, responsibility, and high integrity in our procurement practices. Our suppliers represent a broad multinational spectrum, providing a wide range of goods and services. This Code of Conduct outlines our expectations from our suppliers, including their supply chains, in maintaining the same responsible and professional practices.

Employment is Freely Chosen

As outlined in the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code, there should be no forced, bonded or involuntary labour. Suppliers must comply with this principle, ensuring that workers are not required to lodge deposits or their identity papers and are free to leave their employment after a reasonable notice period.

Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining are Respected

Employees of suppliers should have the right to form and join trade unions of their choice and bargain collectively. Where such rights are restricted by law, suppliers should facilitate parallel means for independent and free association and bargaining.

Safe and Hygienic Working Conditions

Safety is of paramount importance. Suppliers must provide a safe and hygienic working environment, in compliance with national and local safety legislation and should possess written health and safety policies. A system to record, monitor, and manage health and safety risks and incidents should be in place.

Child Labour Shall Not Be Used

Suppliers must ensure that they do not engage in or support the use of child labour.

Living Wages are Paid

Suppliers must pay wages and benefits for a standard working week that at least meet national legal standards or industry benchmarks, whichever is higher.

Working Hours are Not Excessive

In compliance with the ETI Base Code, working hours must comply with national laws and benchmark industry standards, and regular overtime should be voluntary.

No Discrimination is Practiced

Suppliers employ workers on the basis of their abilities rather than their race, caste, national origin, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation

Regular Employment is Provided

Suppliers, to every extent possible, should provide regular employment. Obligations to employees under labour or social security laws and regulations arising from the regular employment relationship shall not be avoided.

No Harsh or Inhumane Treatment is Allowed

Suppliers should ensure that physical abuse or discipline, the threat of physical abuse, sexual or other harassment and verbal abuse or other forms of intimidation are prohibited.

Management of Sub-Contractors and Supply Chain

Suppliers should extend this Code of Conduct to their sub-contractors, ensuring its proper communication and adherence, and should work to make sure their supply chains align with the principles of this Code of Conduct.

Environmental Sustainability

Lumira is committed to continual improvement in our environmental performance. Suppliers must comply with relevant national and local laws and regulations relating to environmental performance, management, and reporting. A documented environmental management system to measure, manage and minimise adverse environmental impacts is essential.

Anti-Bribery, Anti-Corruption, and Whistleblower Policies

Suppliers must comply with all local and national laws and regulations pertaining to bribery, corruption, and other prohibited business practices. Any form of corruption, including bribery, is strictly prohibited.

Suppliers must have appropriate processes in place to manage grievances from their employees and suppliers. These processes should be clear, confidential, and easy to understand and use.

Suppliers should have a policy or process equivalent to a Whistleblower Policy in place. Such policy should provide protection to whistleblowers, prohibit retaliation or victimisation, and promote a culture of honest and open communication. Employees should be informed of and knowledgeable about such policies, which should be effectively communicated in the local language and in a manner that can be understood.

Assessment and Review

Lumira is committed to supporting continual improvement through conducting regular assessments of suppliers' practices and working closely with them to ensure their alignment with this Code of Conduct. 

As part of this commitment, we expect our suppliers to respond promptly to Sustainability Self-Assessment review requests, provide complete, honest and comprehensive information, along with any requested supporting documentation. Furthermore, our suppliers should facilitate on-site reviews conducted by Lumira Co Pty Ltd when necessary, and fully comply with required Sustainability remedial action plans